Monday, April 7, 2008

an experiment #1

The Illuminated One, The Guru, has spoken:
"Arr, my Godess, what a wonderful dream I had last night - I've dreamed about YOU.
I've dreamed you organized a splendid Terminator LARP event, in which I had the honor to participate as an early model: T-250, looked like an old, fat Steven Seagal. During the gameplay the real terminators appeared there and we fought together against them, joining our forces with our many undoubtful talents, as always. We prevailed the terminators, according to the rules of dream logic, by thrashing them with three venomous blue serpents. Then, we travelled back in time with those serpents, it was 1985, and a serious problem came to our attention - there wasn't any meat
in the shops to buy, so we couldn't feed the snakes..."

"arr, Bosska, alez mialem piekny sen dzisiaj - sniUas mi sie mianowicie, ze zrobilas larpa w realiach terminatora, w ktorym przypadla mi zaszczytna rola grania bardzo wczesnej wersji: T-250, czyli starego grubego stevena seagala. ale w trakcie grania na planie pojawily sie prawdziwe terminatory, z ktorymi walczylismy laczac nasze niewatpliwe zalety. terminatory pokonalismy, zgodnie z senna logika, za pomoca trzech jadowitych blekitnych wezy, z ktorymi nastepnie przenieslismy sie w czasie do 1985 roku i okazalo sie, ze jest problem - bo w sklepach nie ma miesa, wiec nie ma czym wezy karmic...."

Contemplate on that one, if you please.

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